Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We left Tamarindo and headed south on what we again thought to be a two hour trip.......that turned 5. We hit a strip of road (if you can call it that) that was the worst by far, dirt road i have ever been on. It took us 2 hours to make 12 miles!!! It was so rough you couldn´t even wear your seat belt. We did finally make it though and the girls were so good, never complaining at all. The ocean views were spectacular.
This town is a cute little hippy town. We found a great place right on the beach. Two stories of all hard wood, walls, floors, doors, huge windows that open up for an almost 360 view. There is a loft for the girls with large bay type windows that open up to the trees. We have two iguans that live on the roof next door and a caro blanco monkey that keeps hanging around.
We had breakfast at a little cafe yeasterday, that had at least 6 of these little monkeys hanging out and eating with us. One mama with a very little new born baby hanging on her back...Amazing that they hang on! One jumped on the table right next to ´Sundari, took the napkins out of the holder, held them up, laughed a little and threw them on the ground. The girls were craking up. that seemed to get the monkeys going and the one male started jumping up and down looking right at them, opening and shuting his mouth, which of course made them laugh harder.....so on and on it went. it was the best Ç5000 ($10) coffee we have ever had!
Today got even better. WE went to rain song, an animal rescue type place. It is very small.They say they only get one visitor a day. today it was us. The first thing they broungt us to was a caro blanco monkey named Tarzan. we watched through the gate for a few. this little guy was reaching out and holding our hands...how sweet. Then out guide asked us if we wanted to go in!! It was crazy. He was jumping all over us, swinging around my neck, pulling skylers hair, jumping form micheal to me and bitting my arms! It didn´t really hurt, more like a pinch but he was really all over me. he wasn´t as interested in the kids. Wait until you see the photos!! We also got to hold an anteater. Also amazing, We visited a porcipine! Who climped right up my arm...When I asked the guide if he held him he said "no i´m a little afraid of him" Well!!! get him off of me then!! although he was pretty sweet just heavy and hard to handle because of the pines! We got to sit , pet and feed two very small baby deer, and the list goes on. So sorry I can´t add photos!
After that we headed to a sweet waterfall and enjoyed another lunch of beans and rice. We arn´t tired if it yet!
So tomorrow we head back up north to Samara. we are thinking about taking a car ferry back to avoid the long drive....we will see how that goes!
Thats all for now!
Peace and warm Latin American blessings!


BMF said...

Hello guys,
Hope you are having lot of fun, well mike 4 fresh feet of snow, hurry home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle Walker said...

Hey family! Sounds like you're having such a great time. What wonderful adventures for those two girls. Miss you and can't wait to talk about it all when you get home.

Lots of love to you all!